Selasa, 14 April 2009

My First High Heels

2 komentar:

  1. ehm mendingan lo gausah ngeblog pake bahasa inggris kalo bahasa inggris lo levelnya jongkok begitu.

    "this is first high heels/platforms. i love high heels or my platforms so muuuchh! 'because it so elegant,perfectly, and so good to use. first time i use so hardness to walk, not like i think. don't worry step by step i can use it successly. hehehe
    FEEL HAPPY, FEEL GLAD. thanks my mom for you buy it for me"

    HAHAHA yang ga sadar berarti emang bego. mending lo ambil les bahasa inggris dulu deh baru beli sepatu hahaha

  2. eh lo gak suka tmn gw ngeblog dsar shit lo bisanya cma ngomong..!!
    ahhh damn!!
